Search Results for "jean butterworth"


Figs, Birds and Mosquitoes

Figs, Birds and Mosquitoes by Jean Butterworth The old-fashioned fruit bearing fig tree is so old it is mentioned in the Bible…. Remember the fig tree that bore no fruit, or that Eve covered herself with fig leaves to hid her nakedness? There are several types of figs grown in the U.S. namely: Sierra Figs […]


Chinaberry Trees and Other Memories

Chinaberry Trees and Other Memories by Jean Butterworth   There was one old chinaberry tree in Granddaddy’s front yard when I was a child. It produced green berries in clumps about the size of a marble. We would take a thread and needle and string the chinaberries and make necklaces.  It was a good tree […]


Dot, Dot, Dash and other good Memories

Another personal story from Alabama Author Jean Butterworth! MEMORIES…….DOT, DOT, DASH by Jean Butterworth Remember those movies we saw during WWII in which our GIs tapped out secret messages to the commanders in Morse Code? Dot, Dot, Dash! Early childhood memories come to me suddenly. A memory pops into my mind as if in Morse […]


You’re in the Army, Now! Really?

What if you got this notice after you retired? Great story by Author Jean Butterworth of Alabama. YOU’RE IN THE ARMY, NOW! by Jean Butterworth Recently I received this e-mail that got my attention, “Would you like to be activated for a week’s training with the USPHS?” Years ago, when I was in college I […]