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Did You Know?

Do you take your square with you when you travel?

Discover, Share, and help us Preserve our lost and forgotten stories. Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron Unlock all Alabama Pioneers stories Alabama Pioneers members see thousands of stories, biographies and nostalgic items like this everyday.  In colonial days your dinner plate was a square piece of wood with a “bowl” carved out to hold your […]

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Did you know the word Pandemonioum comes from a poem?

The word PANDEMONIUM which means wild and noisy disorder, confusion or uproar comes from a poem. It actually comes from John Milton’s poem Paradise Lost. the name of the capital city of Hell in his epic poem “Paradise Lost”. He derived the word from the Ancient Greek Pandæmonium which read as πᾶν (pan, “all”) (equivalent to English […]

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Chew the fat could have several meanings

Chew the Fat -Today this means to have a long friendly conversation with someone. This idiom has several possible sources as listed below. It is not clear which one is accurate. Discover, Share and help us Preserve our lost and forgotten stories. Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron Sailors, while of resting and conversing would chew […]