Tag: Recipes


Taste from the past – Creamed Oysters 1897 version

Creamed Oysters Recipe from 1897 Drain 50 oysters: wash by pouring gradually over them a pitcher of cold water; put them in a saucepan stir carefully until they reach the boiling point; drain again, this time saving the liquor. Measure, and add to the liquor thus obtained sufficient milk to make one pint. Put two […]


Taste from the past – Gingerbread recipe from 1875

Light-Colored Gingerbread from 1875 recipe Fresh butter, melted, ½ lb., flour, dried and sifted, 1 ¼ lb., brown sugar, 1 ¼ lb., bruised sugar, ¼ lb., 9 eggs, the yolks and whites beaten separately, rosewater, two tablespoonfuls, white wine, two tablespoonfuls Mix all these well together. Bake one hour. Then with a spoon spread it […]


Taste from the past – Gingerbread recipe from 1908

(Excerpt transcribed from Crenshaw County News, Luverne, Alabama January 16, 1908) GINGERBREAD One-half cup butter, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup molasses, one-half cup sour milk or cold water, one and one-half cups flour, two eggs, not beaten; One tablespoon ginger, one teaspoon soda. Bake The secret of having it light and tender is in beating […]


Taste of the past – Codfish Ball from 1908

(Excerpt transcribed from Crenshaw County News, Luverne, Alabama January 16, 1908) CODFISH BALL Boil one cup of codfish with four good-sized potatoes. When done mash potatoes and fish together, Add good-sized piece of butter and little pepper and one egg, beaten. Roll in a little flour to form balls and place in frypan. Fry brown […]


Taste from the past – Potato Straws 1883 recipe

Our mothers and grandmothers did not have all the kitchen tools we have today. This is how they made Potato Straws. How to Make Potato Straws (Transcribed from Brewton Banner (Brewton, Alabama June 2, 1883) POTATO STRAWS Wash a pint of potatoes, peel them very thin, slice them about a quarter of an inch thick, […]


Taste from the past – Chicken Pie from 1886

(Excerpts transcribed from Daily Mountain Eagle, Jasper, Alabama, January 6, 1886) CHICKEN PIE 1886 RECIPE Stew chicken till tender, season with one-quarter of a pound of butter, salt, and pepper; line the sides of a pie-dish with a rich crust, pour in the stewed chicken, and cover loosely with a crust, first cutting a hole […]


Taste from the past – Green Corn Fritters

(Excerpt transcribed from Daily Mountain Eagle, Jasper, Alabama, January 6, 1886) GREEN CORN FRITTERS 1886 RECIPE Cut through the centre of each row of kernels, then press out the centre pulp with the back of the knife. Beat two eggs thoroughly, and add to them a heaping saltspoonful (teaspoonful?) of salt, a pinch of cayenne, […]


Taste from the past – 1886 Hoe Cakes recipe

(Excerpt transcribed from Daily Mountain Eagle, Jasper, Alabama, January 6, 1886) HOE CAKES 1886 RECIPE Stir into a pint of milk, a teaspoonful of salt, half a pint of corn meal and a teaspoonful of molasses; mix, pour it on a hot tin, and bake before the fire. Sugar may be used if preferred, and […]