Today, it is hard to believe that there was a time when football helmets were not required equipment in games. The man in the rare film went to extreme lengths to show the safety of his helmet design. In 1888, college football rules changed to allow tackling below the waist so players and coaches decided pads […]
Author: Donna R Causey
Only Six Years After the Civil War, America Almost Went To War With England [story & pics]
Did you realize that in the year 1871, only six years after the Civil War, England and American almost went to war again? “The year was marked by the conclusion of an important treaty between England and the United States. Besides settling certain questions which threatened the friendly relations of the two countries, the treaty […]
Loans help destitute farmers in Batesville, Arkansas – [great film & 1934 photos]
After the Great Depression in America, many farm families were destitute. In April 1934, a special Rural Rehabilitation Division was established within the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, for the purpose of assisting these farm families throughout the country “to become self-supporting and independent of emergency relief aid. Loans were granted and by 1935, there were […]
Imagine your child of 10-12 working in a factory like this – [photographs from 1900s]
During the early 1900’s, child labor was a major problem across the United States. Instead of attending school, many underage children worked to supplement family income. Even though child labor had been condemned in America since the early 1800’s, it wasn’t until 1892 that the Democratic Party adopted a plank in their platform recommending a […]
New York City ghetto fish market in 1903 was a very busy place
The New York City ghetto fish market was bustling with activity on this day as the film taken by Thomas Edison company in 1903 reveals. The streets are crowded The view, photographed from an elevated camera position, looks down on a very crowded New York City street market. Rows of pushcarts and street vendors’ vehicles […]
[old film & pictures] The Ohio River Flood of 1937 surpassed all prior floods during the previous 175 years – great historic films
The Ohio River flood of 1937 took place in late January and February 1937. With damage stretching from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Illinois, one million people were left homeless, with 385 dead and property losses reaching $500 million ($8 billion in 2012 dollars). Federal and state resources were strained to aid recovery, as the disaster occurred […]
Did you know that the Ford Mansion stands close to Mt. Vernon in historic importance. [Great pictures, film and story]
The house best known in Morristown, and to all students of history throughout the State of New Jersery and country at large, is the carefully preserved Ford Mansion. *Note: Some of the language below may be a little antiquated because its excerpts and transcriptions from a the book -Transcription from Historic Houses of New Jersey […]
Striking [vintage photographs] of small town life in Georgia in 1939
Many residents of Greene County, Georgia struggled to make ends meet in 1939. Marion Post Wolcott documented their difficulties, and anything else that interest her as she traveled with photographs. Rural rehabilitation family. Greene County, Georgia 1939 Black Grocery Store in Sylvania, Georgia. Prices posted outside RIBBON OF LOVE: 2nd edition – A Novel Of […]
[see vintage pics] W-all we all just a ‘set’; sometimes a few of ’em get up and move about to ‘tother side [cool pics from 1936]
Life was slow for these men during the Great Depression The Great Depression began in August of 1929, when the United States economy first went into an economic recession. Although the country spent two months with declining GDP, it was not until the Wall Street Crash of October, 1929 that the effects of a declining […]
The Schoenfeldt family of Sheridan, Kansas worked hard on their turkey farm as these photographs reveal
The Schoenfeldt, a Russian-German family, raised turkeys on their farm in Sheridan County, Kansas in August 1939. Photojournalist Russell Lee took many photographs of the family as they went about their daily chores. Family of Mr. Schoenfeldt, FSA (Farm Security Administration) client. Sheridan County, Kansas Sod house of the Schoenfeldts, FSA (Farm Security Administration) clients. […]