Tag: humorous


The dangers of tight trousers – Can you believe this actually happened? It was reported in Birmingham newspaper

Sometimes I discover the funniest things in old newspapers and this article is one. Be sure to share this funny story with your friends. They could probably use a laugh. The Danger of Tight Trousers (Transcribed from the Birmingham Iron Age April 24, 1884) From the Philadelphia Record “Here, conductor, this young man’s fainted.” These […]


The case of the missing water melons

Missing Water Melons by Jesse Suttles This is another story that Dad told me several times.  Dad and Mother were married in 1929, in Avery Texas.  In 1930 they were in Freestone Co. Texas. Where Dad and Mother lived. There was a places fenced off to raise a garden.  Dad planted several different kinds of vegetables. […]


This 1910 census advance report reveals humor of the time

This humorous tongue-in-cheek report about the up-coming census report that year was printed in The New York Press in 1910. ADVANCE CENSUS REPORTS Number of families owning phonographs 2,264,721 Number of men holding worthless checks and invalid promissory notes. 72,986,279 Number of cities where taxes are reasonable 6 Number of ministers – 232,689 Number of […]