Author: Donna R Causey

Did You Know?

DYK: Have you turned the corner?

DYK: Did you know? Did You Know that Turned the Corner is a nautical term? When Ships  sailed past the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn were said to have ‘turned the corner’.   Three complete historical novels in one book Tapestry of Love Historical Series 2nd edition 2015 – Court records dating back to the 1630s […]


Taste from the past – 1886 Hoe Cakes recipe

(Excerpt transcribed from Daily Mountain Eagle, Jasper, Alabama, January 6, 1886) HOE CAKES 1886 RECIPE Stir into a pint of milk, a teaspoonful of salt, half a pint of corn meal and a teaspoonful of molasses; mix, pour it on a hot tin, and bake before the fire. Sugar may be used if preferred, and […]

Did You Know?

DYK: Have you ever won hands down?

DYK: Did you know? The old saying to ‘Win Hands Down’ comes from horse racing. If a jockey was a long way ahead of his competitors and sure to win the race he could relax and put his hands down at his sides. Three complete historical novels in one book Tapestry of Love Historical Series […]