Did You Know?

Did You Know?

DYK: Are you a blue blood?

DYK: Did you know? Translated from the old Spanish phrase “sangre azul”, blue blood derives from the Medieval belief in Europe (among other places) that the blood of the royalty and nobility was blue.   Since the royal family and aristocrats were wealthy and powerful enough to pay commoners to labor in the fields for […]

Did You Know?

DYK: True meaning of Lily Livered

LILY LIVERED – Means cowardly. People once believed that your passions came from you liver. If you were lily livered your liver was white (because it did not contain any blood). So you were a coward. The ancient Greeks used to sacrifice an animal before battle. The liver was regarded as a prime omen – if […]

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DYK: these Christmas Tree facts?

SOME CHRISTMAS TREE FACTS  During the years from 1887 to 1933, a fishing schooner called the ‘Christmas Ship’ used to sell spruce trees from Michigan to Chicagoans. Evergreen trees were used to celebrate the onset of winter, even before the birth of Christ. Christmas tree was decorated for the first time in Riga (Latvia), in […]

Did You Know?

DYK: This is how to “Save Face”

In olden days, women used beeswax on their faces to give them the “white look.” They mixed the beeswax with a lead compound. In order to keep their faces from melting in the hot sun, they carried a gauze mask to put over their makeup to “Save Face” In front of the fire place, they […]