This amusing story is from an 1886 newspaper and reveals much about how women were viewed in the day….. Treat the pie with respect The pie has sometimes been treated with disrespect. Its antiquity and high position on the bill of fare of this nation make the insult most atrocious. This sacriligious (sic) state of […]
Tag: humor
AUTHOR SUNDAY: This is funny but so very true – why do we feel we must keep so much?
Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron – FREE for 7 days Over 5100 stories, anecdotes, news clippings, etc from the GOOD OLE DAYS are available. Check the Patreon APP – Alabama Pioneers Patrons community each morning for the latest stories. MOVIN STUFF By Joyce Ray Wheeler It is a truism that moving from one place to […]
These two boys knew how to ask for Christmas presents
Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents the week before Christmas. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers when the youngest one began praying at the top of his lungs. “I PRAY FOR A NEW BICYCLE…” “I PRAY FOR A NEW NINTENDO…” “I PRAY FOR A […]
The correct answers helped them enter Heaven on Christmas Eve
Entering Heaven Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. “In honor of this holy season,” Saint Peter said, “You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.” The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. […]
The Comic Strip that inspired a nation – is it still practiced?
A comic strip created a national phenomenon across the America in the late 1930’s that is still celebrated today. Women inviting men out on a date is more accepted today, but this was almost unheard of before 1937. Alfred Gerald Capp’s was the writer for a popular hillbilly comic strip, Li’l Abner in the 1930s. […]
The Well Treated Thermometer – This is so funny and probably true
A Well Treated Thermometer A prominent physician of Baltimore tells of an amusing experience of the early days of his practice when he was residing in a small town where by far the majority of the workers were miners. “I was greatly distressed at the unsanitary conditions prevailing in their cottages,” says the doctor. “and, […]
Humor about taxes has been with us a long time
“There is no child so bad that he/she can’t be used as an income tax deduction.” “It’s tax time. I know this because I’m staring at documents that make no sense to me, no matter how many beers I drink.” Dave Barry “Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either.” Gerald Barzan, humorist “In general, the […]
Pretty girls cause all the trouble in the world?
(This story from an 1882 newspaper would probably not be printed in today. It really reveals what men thought about women at the time. I really don’t know what to think about it except to say I’m glad I’m living in today’s world) It has been rather broadly suggested that pretty girls cause most of […]
DYK: All I needed to know about life I learned from Santa
All I Needed to Know About Life I learned from Santa Encourage people to believe in you. Always remember who’s naughty and who’s nice. Don’t pout. It’s as much fun to give as it is to receive. Some days it’s ok to feel a little chubby. Make your presents known. Always ask for a little […]
Pepe, the headstrong dog – Have you ever had a dog like this?
Pepe, the headstrong dog I thought we should adopt a dog to complete our family. When I discovered a large black, male standard poodle for sale, I convinced Bob this was just what we needed, little knowing how wrong I would be. He delineated his territory When Bob brought him home and introduced him to […]