Tag: American history


[Great pictures] At the Lake Dick Project in Arkansas in 1938, there was always work that must be done – great pictures of people from 1938

Little remains of the Lake Dick Project from Roosevelt’s New Deal. All that is left are a few houses. The area is currently on the National Register of Historic Places. When it was active, there was considerable work for everyone as seen by the photographs taken in 1938 by Russell Lee and Dorothea Lange. Dairy […]


Humor about taxes has been with us a long time

“There is no child so bad that he/she can’t be used as an income tax deduction.” “It’s tax time. I know this because I’m staring at documents that make no sense to me, no matter how many beers I drink.” Dave Barry “Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either.” Gerald Barzan, humorist “In general, the […]


A NEW DEAL PROJECT IN ARKANSAS 1938 -Striking 1938 close-up photographs] of some of the farmers of Lake Dick, Arkansas

  The Lake Dick Cooperative Association in Arkansas was a New Deal Project. It consisted of the heads of each resident household, with each member holding one share of stock. This Association controlled all commercial and agricultural activities at Lake Dick. As a benevolent cooperative, the Association leased the entire 3,453 acre farm from the […]


[vintage pictures] Some towns in the United States were declared unconstitutional in the late 1940s &50s

Towns were declared unconstitutional Some towns that had their start during the Depression Era were declared socialistic and unconstitutional in the 1940s and 1950s era when the anti-socialists were influencing American politics.  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created a program to build new suburban communities as part of his New Deal plans for the country. The overseeing […]