

This 1910 census advance report reveals humor of the time

This humorous tongue-in-cheek report about the up-coming census report that year was printed in The New York Press in 1910. ADVANCE CENSUS REPORTS Number of families owning phonographs 2,264,721 Number of men holding worthless checks and invalid promissory notes. 72,986,279 Number of cities where taxes are reasonable 6 Number of ministers – 232,689 Number of […]


Hampton Place -[old photographs] where General Winfield Scott retired when there were no more worlds to conquer

*Note: The language below may be a little antiquated because they are excerpts and exact transcriptions from the book  –Transcription from Historic Houses of New Jersey By Weymer Jay Mills .J. B. Lippincott Company – written in  1902 Best loved house The house best loved by the old residents of Elizabethtown, New Jersey is the Scott House, […]


Extraordinary 1885 [portraits] of Native Americans includes Sitting Bull with Buffalo Bill

Portraits of Native Americans This photograph is of Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill, 1885 taken by David Francis Barry photographer (1854-1934) Photograph originally taken by William Notman studios, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, during Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, August 1885. Later copyrighted by D.F. Barry in June 1897 Two photos (front and side) of Amos Little, […]


Persimmon – pucker up

PERSIMMONS BY INEZ MCCOLLUM My Grandmother had a wild persimmon tree.  I learned at an early age to wait until the fruit was soft before attempting to eat it.  If I ate them too soon, my mouth would pucker.  I delighted in collecting the calyx and stringing them to make a necklace.  My husband was pastoring […]