Portraits of Native Americans
This photograph is of Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill, 1885 taken by David Francis Barry photographer (1854-1934) Photograph originally taken by William Notman studios, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, during Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, August 1885. Later copyrighted by D.F. Barry in June 1897
Two photos (front and side) of Amos Little, a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900
Charging Thunder, a Sioux Indian and wife, probably members of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, head-and-shoulders portraits, taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900 
Charging Thunder with dog, of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900
Two portraits of Charging Thunder, Sioux Indian, wearing a feathered headdress. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900
Has No Horses, a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show portrait taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900
Iron White Man, a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show portrait taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900
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