1950s Spring Break Vacation by Jean Butterworth In the fifties my Dad purchased a brand new 1950 streamline Chevrolet automobile. Our family planned a Spring Break vacation from Tuscaloosa, around the upper half of Florida, and down the east coast to Miami and back home on the western side of Florida. We invited two friends […]
A Valentine story – Endless Love – this will bring tears to your eyes
An Endless Love by Christie Seiler Boeke Bob, thinking back on our life together, it is impossible for me to remember a time when you were not a part of me. Bob and Christie 1949 I know I am who I am because of you. Your steady and sustaining love and companionship during all the […]
Migrant workers in Michigan – 1940 photographs of a largely invisible population
Since hand labor is still necessary for the production of the blemish-free fruits and vegetables that consumers demand, migrant workers shift from place to place picking fruits and vegetables to feed a hungry nation. Although invisible to most people, the presence of migrant farm workers in many rural communities throughout the nation is undeniable. Today, between […]
Miss Celie was the Medicine Woman in Kentucky
What is in your medicine cabinet? When I was a child, there was no medicine cabinet – just a box with Vicks Salve, rubbing alcohol, Musterole for chest colds, Castor oil, Syrup of Pepsin and maybe cod liver oil. But then there was Miss Celie! I must describe her before you meet her. She was […]
Can you guess the name of this famous star?
She was world famous star, but was very shy, had few friends, drove around in a battered old car, and only spent around a hundred dollars a week of her $7,500 weekly salary. Do you know the name of this famous actress? Here are some additional clues. Her father died when she was fourteen, leaving […]
Root hog or die, – these photographs show how the people of Missouri survived the Great Depression
The Great Depression and drought hit the people of Missouri, the ‘Show Me” state, hard just as in other states. However, the people found a way to survive in the rural sections. Some of the ways they made do with whatever they had is pretty amazing. These photographs ‘show’ how life was in 1936 for many […]
Vivid photographs reveal Sharecroppers lives in Georgia
Sharecropping is a system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on the land. Sharecropping occurred extensively in the Southern United States during the Reconstruction era (1865–1877). The South had been devastated by war; planters had ample land but little money for wages or taxes. At the […]
South Carolina – here are some [rare pictures] of historic buildings and the beginning of secession
After the election of President Lincoln, citizens of Charleston, South Carolina held nightly meetings to decide the possibility of secession. Great mass meeting to endorse the call of the legislature of South Carolina for a state convention to discuss the question of secession from the Union, held at Institute Hall, Charleston, S.C. on Monday, Nov. […]
Did you know that the brother of Napoleon lived with a beautiful Quaker maiden in New Jersey?
*Note: Some of the language below may be a little antiquated because its excerpts and transcriptions from a the book -Transcription from Historic Houses of New Jersey By Weymer Jay Mills .J. B. Lippincott Company – written in 1902 = The original words provide a unique glimpse of the people and early times in New […]
Go back in time with these pictures of people and old houses from Rockingham County, North Carolina in the 1930s
Nestled in the ridge of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, is the county of Rockingham. The county is also known as “North Carolina’s North Star.” Created on December 29, 1785 from Guilford County, it was named after Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham, the British Prime Minister from 1765 and again in 1782. […]