The steam automobile was virtually silent compared to gasoline cars. The Doble steam Car was an American steam car maker from 1909-1931. Their latter models of steam car, with fast firing boiler and electric start, were considered the pinnacle of steam car development. The term “Doble steam car” comprises any of several makes of steam-powered […]
Author: Donna R Causey
On a day in 1889, Oklahoma’s landscape was changed forever
On a cloudless sunny morning with a comfortable breeze blowing from the south, an event took place that changed the barren land of Oklahoma forever. On April 22, 1889, thousands of potential settlers from all over the world lined up to participate in the Oklahoma land rush. The rushers massed along the line by 9:00 […]
This film is hilarious. When was the last time you heard a husband call his wife “the little woman”, or “clinging vine”?
My how times have changed! This commercial for the 1940 Chevrolet and the new Chevrolet gear shift is so funny. It was made at a time when women used to be looked down upon as the “weaker sex” and though it was obviously meant to show that women are more capable than we think, it falls well short […]
See rare vintage film of the opening day of the Golden Gate Bridge!
The Golden Gate Bridge spans a mile wide and three miles in length channel between San Francisco and the Pacific Ocean. It has been declared one of the Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Opened May 1937 The Bridge opened in 1937 and was, until 1964, the longest suspension […]
She knew how to handle men and modern hybridization of roses can be traced back to her
Can you guess her name? Born in a fishing village in the West Indies, she lived in bare, dingy rooms over a sugar refinery. She was not good looking and she had bad teeth and two half-grown children, and was deep in debt and one step above the sheriff when she first met one of […]
Pretty girls cause all the trouble in the world?
(This story from an 1882 newspaper would probably not be printed in today. It really reveals what men thought about women at the time. I really don’t know what to think about it except to say I’m glad I’m living in today’s world) It has been rather broadly suggested that pretty girls cause most of […]
Rockwall, Texas – Inhabited by giants before Noah’s flood? Here is the real story
Rockwall’s stone archway Rockwall, Texas, mentioned in a recent article, is the county seat of Rockwall County. Located at the intersection of State Highways 66 and 205, it is a town shrouded in mystery. The town name of Rockwall comes from a geologic formation in the town. “A stone archway on private property a few […]
Have you ever visited the oldest house in New Jersey, the Trent House? It has a history tied to America’s founding days
The home of the man who Trenton, New Jersey is named after is still standing and many people have never visited it. The home was built in 1719 as a summer home for William Trent. He died on Christmas Day, 1724, and a legend persists that Trent was poisoned by a disgruntled slave. Strong ties to America’s History The home […]
[Vintage pics] Can you imagine walking to Memphis, Texas from Arkansas with your family and all your belongings in the month of June? These people did
Can you imagine walking down a hot Texas road to Memphis, Texas from Arkansas in June 1937 with all your belongings and your family, including young children, like these people did in the photographs at the bottom? I don’t even see any shade trees for miles. Located in the northeastern part of the county Memphis […]
In WWII – Instructions in military journals were often humorous like these [film & story]
Words of Wisdom from the Military The following humorous instructions were found in some on military journals but have the ring of truth to them. Aim towards the enemy – instructions printed on – US Army Rocket Launcher When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend. – US Marine Corps Journal Cluster bombing […]