On March 6, 1930 International Unemployment Day was held which was a coordinated international campaign of marches and demonstrations, marked by hundreds of thousands of people in major cities around the world taking to the streets to protest mass unemployment associated with the Great Depression. The Unemployment Day marches, were organized by the Communist International […]
The first reconnaissance aircraft flew into a surprise hurricane in Texas because of a bet
A surprise hurricane in July, 1943 that hit Texas was considered at the time the worst since the 1915 Galveston hurricane. The tropical storm developed over the northeastern Gulf of Mexico on July 25 and strengthened while it tracked westward. The Old Southern Hotel 1943 Texas City Library.org Information and reports about the hurricane were […]
Did you know that most of the soldiers at Iwo Jima were only 17, 18, and 19-years old?
Update: “The identity of an American serviceman in one of the most iconic photographs of World War II, the raising of the American flag over Iwo Jima, has now been called into question by his son, who wrote the best-selling book that memorialized his father’s role. See note at bottom of this story. IWO JIMA MEMORIAL […]
Greene County, Georgia – striking pictures from the past
Greene County, Georgia was formed on February 3, 1786, from land given by Washington County. It was named in honor of General Nathaniel Greene, a hero of the American Revolutionary War. Most of its early settlers were veterans of the war for Independence. Old Plantation Bell in Greene County, Georgia Nathanael Greene and wife Catharine […]
Have you ever been Contotallyfused with the problems of today?
CONTOTALLYFUSED By Joyce Ray Wheeler One of the dearest friends I ever had was also one of the most caring persons I’ve ever known. She believed firmly that no one who came to her for help should leave without feeling better. It was troubling to my friend when she felt she’d failed to meet a […]
[Amazing pics from 1900s] Can you imagine your 5-year-old child doing this on the streets in Washington D. C?
It is hard to believe that children as young as five were allowed to roam the streets of Washington D. C. and help sell newspapers. The young boy in the photograph below could not even talk well. This is why child labor laws are so important. The photographs below were taken by Lewis Wickes Hine to […]
FDR pushed the button to open the San Francisco-Oakland Bridge in 1936
On November 12, 1936 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President of the United States. You can see a timeline of his fairly uneventful day at: FDR Library However, one major event in President Roosevelt’s schedule shows that at 3:30 pm. “In Cabinet Room, pressed button to open San Francisco-Oakland Bridge (CA).” Photographer Dorothea Lang was in […]
The Quiet Home – it eliminated jangled nerves from working in a noisy environment in 1965.
Birmingham, Alabama was a pilot city for the ‘Quiet home’ program in 1965 to eliminate the “jangled nerves” caused by working and living in noisy urban environments. The 1965 Parade of Homes was a marketing event in Birmingham, Alabama for new home construction put on by the Birmingham Association of Home Builders in 1965. Many […]
He was the only honest Pay Station Collector in the state
Pay Station Collector by Clifford Dobyns In the early 60’s I was sent to my hometown by my employer, General Telephone, to supervise the business office. This office handled the contacts with the population of the main city of Ashland, Kentucky and eight other surrounding cities and consisted of 12 ladies and 1 man, Crayton Hamilton. Crayton was […]
Feed them and they will come – but they are beautiful
THE FOOD CHAIN by Inez McCollum I could have titled this “Feed Them and They Will Come!” That would include a number of members of the animal kingdom. I have a cafeteria of food available for the birds at all times. This also attracts those cute, but pesky, chipmunks, as well as raccoons, possums and […]