

The words of Lt. Col. Cooke from 1858 about the disastrous expedition to Utah

The Utah War (1857–1858), also known as the Utah Expedition, Utah Campaign, Buchanan’s Blunder, the Mormon War, or the Mormon Rebellion was an armed confrontation between Mormon settlers in the Utah Territory and the armed forces of the US government. The confrontation lasted from May 1857 to July 1858. There were some casualties, most of which were non-Mormon civilians. The war had no notable military battles. (Wikipedia) Lt. Col […]


Figs, Birds and Mosquitoes

Figs, Birds and Mosquitoes by Jean Butterworth The old-fashioned fruit bearing fig tree is so old it is mentioned in the Bible…. Remember the fig tree that bore no fruit, or that Eve covered herself with fig leaves to hid her nakedness? There are several types of figs grown in the U.S. namely: Sierra Figs […]