AUTHOR SUNDAY: This is funny but so very true – why do we feel we must keep so much?

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Joyce Ray Wheeler

It is a truism that moving from one place to another is never an easy thing.

But when you’ve lived in the same home for 40 years, and when you are changing from a bigger space to a much smaller space, and when you and your spouse are both hoarders, and when you yourself are very sentimental…. moving is next to impossible.moving2

The two of us made such a move recently. A dear friend helped with the sentimental part by saying, “Memories are not tied to location; memories are movable too.”

Soon after our move, friends said, “We’re coming to see your new home.”

We replied firmly “Not until we put out a white flag!”

After about a month we put out the welcome mat and extended the following invitation:


All that “”Stuff” from old Badham Drive

I thought I had to have to be able to survive

So we moved it all down to this much smaller place,

And now, as you will see, there just “ain’t” enough space.

Two Men and a Truck –they brought it all down.

“This All goes in here??” they asked with a frown.

So they set my “stuff” down and they left in a hurry—

I just waved my hand and said, “Don’t you worry!”

Then I pushed and I shoved ‘til I found a good spot –

( I liked it fine, but my husband did not!)

We tried it first here –then we tried it over there,

But it really didn’t fit right any – old –where!

So don’t be surprised when you walk through our door

If you think you’ve arrived at a furniture store!

Just remember that my “stuff” had to come along with me.

So I could be as happy as I thought I ought to be.

So, if it fits your busy schedule on Thursday to drop by –

I’ll greet you at my door with a twinkle in my eye!

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