Circleville, Ohio – unveiled Part V – other street scenes from 1938

Circleville, Ohio in 1938 was trying to recover from the Great Depression when these photographs of downtown street scenes were taken by Ben Shahn.

Permanents were in vogue at the local beauty shop during this time.

Downtown Circleville

beauty shop
butch clock2

 Coney Island hotdogs.

coney island hamburger sandwich

Circleville reminisences: a description of Circleville, Ohio (1825-1840) ; also an account of the 115-year old sister of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry

One Fire Truck

fire department


Car was taking the place of the horse and wagon in 1938
ford cars on street

Main and Court Street – three photographs below
main and court man in suit


main and court street


main and court street2


Policeman in a discussion with this man.

policeman and manpoliceman and man2


Hanging around the 5 an 10 cents store

street scene murphy 5 and 10two boys in front of candy store


 Veterans’ of Foreign Wars and the Second National Bank. This bank opened its doors for business January 1882. The first president was Noah S. Gregg. Henry N. Hedges, Jr. was the first cashier.veterans of foreign wars and bank

OH, Circleville, Charter 172, 1902PB $10, 4906(900)



This is the Work Projects building in Circleville in 1938. work projects2



    1. Library of Congress
    2. History of Pickaway County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens

See More Pictures and Stories on Circleville, Ohio 

This action packed novel, Faith and Courage, is inspired by true events that took place in colonial America.