Cotton was a major commodity for the Lake Dick Project Community, Arkansas in 1938. (New Deal Project) The fields were so extensive that day laborers had to be employed to pick the cotton.
The bags of cotton picked by each laborer was weighed and recorded in the fields as seen by the photographs below taken in September and October 1938 by photographer Russell Lee.
Weighing cotton, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Cotton pickers at truck for weighing, Lake Dick, Arkansas![cotton pickers on truck3, Lake Dick, Arkansas]](
Boys waiting for cotton in cotton truck Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Emptying sacks of cotton onto truck, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Day laborers employed in picking cotton at Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Member of cooperative association, with cotton scale, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Recording weights of cotton picked by day laborers, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Cotton picker with recorder, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Day laborers, cotton pickers, in field, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Member of cooperative association directing suction pipe for elevating of cotton from wagon, Lake Dick, Arkansas
Member of cooperative association directing suction pipe for elevating cotton from wagon, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Machinery of cotton gin. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Suction pipe and raw cotton at gin. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
Cotton in process of ginning. After being cleaned it is dropped into position to be baled. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas
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