This brings home how difficult life was for women before 1900. I’m glad I’m living today!

I ran across the following article recently and realized the advances women have made in America.

This is from Are Women People by Alice Duer Miller (1874-1942) during the Suffragist era.

Alice Duer Miller


It was obviously written ‘tongue in cheek’ using similar reasons why women should not be given the right to vote.

Advertisement for production of Miller’s Charm School, Plymouth Theatre, 1920 in Boston Globe

Charm school by Alice duer miller 1920_Plymouth_theatre_BostonGlobe_May10


  • Because travelling in trains is not a natural right.
  • Because our great-grandmothers never asked to travel in trains.
  • Because woman’s place is the home, not the train.
  • Because it is unnecessary; there is no point reached by a train that cannot be reached on foot.
  • Because it will double the work of conductors; engineers and brakemen who are already overburdened.
  • Because men smoke and play cards in trains. Is there any reason to believe that women will behave better?

I’m glad I’m living in today’s world!

Are Women People by Alice Duer Miller

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