Many colonial ancestors embraced the Quaker faith – this reveals why and how they where persecuted

Faith and Courage presents the religious persecution of Quakers in Pre-Revolutionary War days of America intertwined with a love story.

Actual court records dating back to the early 1630’s create historical accuracy in this action packed novel.  Faith and Courage is the 2nd book in the Tapestry of Love Series by Donna R. Causey.


(Many Alabama ancestors became Quakers after arriving in America  – This novel reveals some of the reasons why and the persecution they endured.)


  • Faith and Courage is written with the reader in mind…..getting your attention and keeping it. A REAL page turner and unpredictable love story.” G. Farris
  • “I learned many unknown facts about America’s history from this book…should be required reading.” C. Davidson
  • “Not only is the story entertaining, it opens the eastern shore of the Early Virginia Colony to the reader as a picture book…I know this story will touch many peoples’ hearts…. B. Thomas
  • “A well structured story with many twists and turns..a gem of a book.” I Reynolds.
  • “Beautiful heart warming and unforgetable book. Knowing that 90% of the historic events are true makes this book even more enjoyable.” J. Shugart


Download all three novels in Tapestry of Love Series from for one low price of $11.97 for a limited time. This series has been re-edited and published as a 2nd edition in 2016. —All books are available in paperback!



Tapestry of love


Faith and Courage: 2nd edition -A Historical Novel of Colonial America (Tapestry of Love Book 2): Book 2 in Tapestry of Love Series

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