(These portraits were obviously made for posterity. They reveal so much detail. I only wish they were in color)
Portraits of Native Americans from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show
Amos Two Bulls, Sioux Indian portrait, (three portraits). taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Chief Iron Tail, a Sioux Indian in Buffalo Bills Wild West show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Joe Black Fox, (three portraits) a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Red Horn Bull, a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Sammy Lone Bear, (two portraits) a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Shooting Pieces, a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Whirling Hawk, a Sioux Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Samuel American Horse (two portraits) of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Samuel American Horse and wife, members of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900

Check out genealogy books and novels by Donna R. Causey

“This book was very informative and at a very modest price. One website I may have missed in your book that has been very helpful to me is genealogybank.com. I found articles about several of my ancestors in their newspaper archives. Thank you for your great newsletter and this book.”
“The book was clear & concise, with excellent information for beginners. As an experienced genealogist, I enjoyed the chapter with lists of interview questions. I’d recommend this book to those who are just beginning to work on their genealogies. For more experienced genealogists, it provides a nice refresher.”
By (author): Causey, Donna R
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