It Smells Like A Polecat by Inez McCollum How could any animal be more beautiful than a skunk! Nature dictates that a “red flag” come up whenever you see one. I recently saw the first skunk I had seen in many years. That experience brought back some memories of long ago. For some reason skunks […]
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Great photographs of the streets of New York in 1938 – Can you identify the location?
Do you know the location? Photographer Jack Allison from the Farm Security Administration took these great photographs on the streets of New York in 1938 VINEGAR OF THE FOUR THIEVES: Recipes & curious tips from the past See best-selling books by Donna R Causey WHERE DO I START? Hints and Tips for Beginning […]
DYK: True meaning of Moot Point
DYK: Did you know? MOOT POINT – which means and irrelevant Argument comes from the Saxon word moot or mote, which meant a meeting to discuss things. In medieval England, moots, or meets, were assemblies or councils where points of government were debated. The country was split into juridicial areas called hundreds and administered via assemblies known […]
The Iceman Made Life Easier Before the Arrival of Electricity
All the ice from the winter months in the north was helpful to the southern states in the olden days as can be seen from this story. The Iceman Made Life Easier Before the Arrival of Electricity by Steve A. Maze My grandpa had a problem with ice, but not the type we are […]
DYK: Have you ever paid through the nose?
Pay through the nose is a very strange saying that has a simple meaning. It comes from the ninth-century in Ireland. When the Danes conquered the Irish, they imposed an exorbitant Nose Tax on the island’s inhabitants. They took a census (by counting noses) and levied oppressive sums on their victims, forcing them to pay […]
Clockmakers life in 1938 in Thomaston, Connecticut – the time when life was simpler
Anecdotes for Connecticut Clockmaker by Francis Donovan This life history was compiled and transcribed by the staff of the Folklore Project of the Federal Writers’ Project for the U.S. Works Progress (later Work Projects) Administration (WPA) from 1936-1940 Pseudonyms are often substituted for individuals and places named in the narrative texts. December 12, 1938 […]
DYK: Swan song – It may not mean what you may think
The saying swan song is usually referred to a final theatrical or dramatic appearance, or any final work. It generally carries the connotation that the performer is aware that this is the last performance of his or her lifetime, and is expending everything in one magnificent final effort. Swan song comes from an old belief that swans, […]
Scrapbooks, are yours organized?
I Love Scrapbooks by Dorothy Graham Gast I love scrapbooks, I buy scrapbooks and all the little accessories, I give scrapbooks, and I just don’t put anything in them. I keep waiting until something is “important” enough. When Mama died the rest of the family decided I should get all the scrapbooks, even those unfinished […]
DYK: Pulling the wool over one’s eyes
In the 18th century it was the fashion to wear white, curly wigs. They were often powdered. The wigs were called wool possibly because they resembled a sheep’s fleece -if a wig slipped, one could have the “wool pulled over their eyes”
The Western Reserve – Where did the name come from?
The Western Reserve by Jim Stark Residents of northeast Ohio are very familiar with the name Western Reserve. Case Western Reserve University probably tops the list for name recognition, but a hospital, insurance company, church, ballet company, high school, nursing home, motorcycle dealership, plus many others organizations and businesses also include those words in their […]