Handle with kid gloves means to handle a situation, or a person or an object, delicately and gingerly. The phrase comes from the 1730’s when kid gloves were made from the skin of a young goat. They were not intended for use when you were working and wearing kid gloves usually indicated that the wearer […]
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Luggage Security Nightmares – have you experienced anything like this?
Another great personal story by Alabama contributing author, Inez McCollum. What is your worse experience in luggage security? Share it in the comments below. LUGGAGE/SECURITY CHECK by Inez McCollum We have all been through some nightmares when checking our luggage. Thankfully, since 9/11, that experience is even worse. That sounds like an oxymoron; but is […]
A bigger bang for your buck – can you guess who first used this phrase?
Today ‘A Bigger Bang for your Buck’ means that you get more for your money. However, most sources credit US Defense Secretary Charles Wilson as the source of the expression ‘a bigger bang for your buck’ in reference to a new policy of using nuclear weapons in any conflict bigger than what they called ‘a brush-fire […]
He boasted that he had over 500 children. – Do you know his name?
He was a trifle fat but he had a way with women, and this French novelist loved to boast that he had over 500 children. French Nobleman His grandfather was a French nobleman and his grandmother was an enslaved African woman. Thomas, his father was taken to France where he was educated in a military […]
Grandma at the Curb Market [vintage pictures] this should bring back wonderful memories
Do you remember curb market day? Contributing author, Dorothy Graham Gast, reminds us with a personal story of her own. Grandma at the Curb Market by Dorothy Graham Gast Saturday was curb market day. Long before daylight cars and trucks loaded with produce would travel down gravel roads to the highways and into Tuscaloosa. Behind […]
The clarity of these rare portraits of actual Native Americans from 1900 is amazing
(These portraits were obviously made for posterity. They reveal so much detail. I only wish they were in color) Portraits of Native Americans from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show Amos Two Bulls, Sioux Indian portrait, (three portraits). taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900 Chief Iron Tail, a Sioux Indian in Buffalo Bills Wild […]
He was one of the richest men in Europe when he was herded into a dirty cellar and shot. Do you know who he was?
In 1917, after the death of 3.3 million of his people, this leader’s armies revolted and refused to fight. A few minutes before midnight on March 14, 1917, a committee of generals met with him in the drawing-room of a private train and told him he would have to renounce his power and give up […]
Have you ever made ice cream this way?
(Another great memory from NE Texas by contributing author, Jesse Suttles) Ice Cream without a Freezer by Jesse Suttles When I was a small boy, ten years old. 1948, we lived in North East Texas. We lived about 10 miles from town. Sometimes we would go to town in a wagon. When Dad’s old car […]
Russian born, Igor Sikorsky. has a big connection to the U. S. presidential office
(Have you ever heard of Igor Sikorsky? He has a strong connection to the U. S. presidential office?) Most people have never heard his name but his helicopters have flown the President of the United States since 1957 and his Black Hawk helicopters are known around the world. Few people know much about the man […]
Can you list other ways we survived without electricity?
Great story by Alabama Author Inez McCollum, about ways we managed in the past without electricity. Share this with your children and grandchildren. POWER…..LIGHTS! by Inez McCOLLUM At least two times last spring we were without electricity for several days. There is something about a power outage that brings out the pioneer spirit in us. We […]