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Historic interview & pictures with actual Immigrants who traveled to Oregon, New Mexico and California with vintage photographs

Great Depression and Dust Bowl Between the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, families had no other course but to leave the prairie lands and  immigrant to the western states to become migrant workers. Below are vivid photographs documenting the difficulties they encountered on the road and interviews by the WPA with four men, Wayne […]


Michigan – [pictures & films] was Paul Bunyan a real character who was murdered in Bay City?

According to Author/Historian D.Laurence Rogers, Paul Bunyan may have been based on a real person in Michigan. The lumber industry in Michigan was once a booming business. The white pine was like “green gold” and many people became millionaires.  This also attracted  a rowdy, rough element which could have included a character like Paul Bunyan who […]


Mount Pleasant Hall, Freneau, New Jersey -President James Madison wooed in vain the sister of Philip Freneau, the poet of the Revolution

*Note: Some of the language below may be a little antiquated because its excerpts and transcriptions from a the book  -Transcription from Historic Houses of New Jersey By Weymer Jay Mills .J. B. Lippincott Company – written in  1902 = The original words provide a unique glimpse of the people and early times in New Jersey Guarded […]