I LOVE ROCKING CHAIRS by Jean Butterworth I love rocking chairs! When I am out with my friends and I see a rocking chair, they say, “there goes Jean to the rocker”. I have always done my best reading, sewing or just thinking sitting in a rocking chair. This might have started when I was […]
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The Moral of the story is – ??? – a trip down memory lane
THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS …?? By Joyce Ray Wheeler Remember when the stories and poems in children’s school books concluded with a message of preferred behavior? I hold in my hand my fourth grade reader, copyright 1925. Among my old books there is also a much worn copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. . […]
See these rare, vivid portraits of Native Americans from Buffalo Bills Wild West Show
Portraits of Native Americans from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show Bad Bear, American Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) taken around 1900 Whirling horse – American Indian taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900 Flying Hawk American Indian taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900 Plenty […]
Pepe, the headstrong dog – Have you ever had a dog like this?
Pepe, the headstrong dog I thought we should adopt a dog to complete our family. When I discovered a large black, male standard poodle for sale, I convinced Bob this was just what we needed, little knowing how wrong I would be. He delineated his territory When Bob brought him home and introduced him to […]
Sometimes nature can get a little too close as in this story
LIVING WITH GOD’S CRITTERS, LITERALLY by Inez McCollum When two of our sons, Joe and John, were young, there was a continuous stream of green snakes, frogs and turtles living in various containers on the sundeck or in the basement. Some of those critters I secretly released; others they relocated. The first critter brought into […]
Lowell, Vermont – Hard times gripped the town in 1936 as can be seen by these [old photographs]
Lowell is the westernmost town in Orleans County, Vermont, United States. The population was 738 at the 2000 census. Lowell was chartered in 1787 by Governor Thomas Chittenden to John Kelley in 1787, for whom it was named Kellyvale. The first people other than the native Americans to come to Lowell was in 1778 when […]
Old Fashioned Playtime – try it with your children & grandchildren just for fun
Old Fashioned Playtime by Jean Butterworth I was observing little children at play the other day and noticed the coloring books they were using to color in. The pages contain large simple black drawings of object that children see in everyday life: flowers, animals, sun, moon and stars, and even Bible characters. This brought back […]
The Klickitat, Yakima, and Umtilla Native Americans – beautiful photographs taken in early 1900s
“Our faith and our friendships are not shattered by one big act but by many small neglects.’ J. Gustave White Edward Sheriff Curtis (February 16, 1868 – October 19, 1952) was an American ethnologist and photographer of the American West and of Native American peoples. He photographed many Native Americans during his lifetime. Some of […]
[Great historic pics & film] Does Matthias Bruen still haunt the house of Benjamin Franklin’s son?
*Note: Some of the language below may be a little antiquated because its excerpts and transcriptions from a the book -Transcription from Historic Houses of New Jersey By Weymer Jay Mills .J. B. Lippincott Company – written in 1902 = The original words provide a unique glimpse of the people and early times in New Jersey The […]
This house was spared in the Civil War because of a beautiful widow’s plea
Confederate General Joseph E. Johnstone, made his headquarters in 1864-1865 in the DeBruhl-Marshall. April, 1960 FRONT (SOUTH) ELEVATION ON LAUREL STREET. – DeBruhl-Marshall House, 1401 Laurel Street, Columbia, Richland County, SC When it was vacated by Johnstone, it seemed good to General Sherman’s soldiers as fuel for their extensive conflagration and was about to be […]