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I love rocking chairs – do you?

I LOVE ROCKING CHAIRS by Jean Butterworth I love rocking chairs! When I am out with my friends and I see a rocking chair, they say, “there goes Jean to the rocker”. I have always done my best reading, sewing or just thinking sitting in a rocking chair. This might have started when I was […]


See these rare, vivid portraits of Native Americans from Buffalo Bills Wild West Show

Portraits of Native Americans from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show Bad Bear, American Indian from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) taken around 1900 Whirling horse – American Indian taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900 Flying Hawk American Indian taken by photographer Gertrude Kasebier (1852-1934) around 1900 Plenty […]


This house was spared in the Civil War because of a beautiful widow’s plea

Confederate General Joseph E. Johnstone, made his headquarters in 1864-1865 in the DeBruhl-Marshall. April, 1960 FRONT (SOUTH) ELEVATION ON LAUREL STREET. – DeBruhl-Marshall House, 1401 Laurel Street, Columbia, Richland County, SC When it was vacated by Johnstone, it seemed good to General Sherman’s soldiers as fuel for their extensive conflagration and was about to be […]