These [1938 photos] show how valuable the general store was in rural Arkansas

Lake Dick is located northeast of Pine Bluff and south of Altheimer, Arkansas. A New Deal program which supported farming projects, established the community on the shore of Lake Dick in 1936.

The Lake Dick Cooperative Association was responsible for farming the land and for operating the community’s cooperative services. These services included a general store, cotton gin, repair shop, feed and grist mill, sweet potato curing house, syrup mill, meat processing plant, and cooperative marketing facilities.

Like other resettlement projects, the excess profits from community services were divided among the project residents.

Photographs below are scenes from the new General Store in 1938.

Farmer coming out of general store, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas by photographer Russell Lee September 1938

Farmer coming out of general store, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas by photographer Russell Lee September 1938

Member of Lake Dick cooperative association installing window of partition in general store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas by Photographer Lee Russell September 1938.Member of Lake Dick cooperative association installing window of partition in general store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

 Icing soft drink refrigerator in general store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas by Photographer Lee Russell September 1938.

Icing soft drink refrigerator in general store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Lake Dick General StoreLake Dick General Store

Wives of cooperative farmers sitting in cooperative general store waiting for the mail. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Lake Dick Wives of cooperative farmers sitting in cooperative general store waiting for the mail. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Dress and dry goods counter. Cooperative general store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansaslake dick Dress and dry goods counter. Cooperative general store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Making change. Cooperative store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansaslake dick Dress and dry goods counter. Cooperative general store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Making a sale, Lake Dick cooperative store. Lake Dick Project, ArkansasLake Dick Making a sale, Lake Dick cooperative store. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Getting the mail in cooperative store. Lake Dick, ArkansasGetting the mail in cooperative store. Lake Dick, Arkansas

Farmers in store, Lake Dick Project, ArkansasLake Dick Farmer in store, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

lake dick Farmer2 in store, Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Arrival of the mailman. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas 1938Arrival of the mailman. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Farmers of cooperative association. Community manager in center. Lake Dick Project, ArkansasGeneral store Farmers of cooperative association. Community manager in center. Lake Dick Project, Arkansas

Like other resettlement projects, the excess profits from community services were divided among the project residents.

Click here to see more stunning photographs of the Lake Dick project in Arkansas.

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