This town can boast to having the oldest strip mall in Ohio [see pictures from 1939]

The city of Greenhills, Ohio is the home of one of the first shopping strip malls in Ohio. The photographs below were taken in October 1938 -1939 by photojournalist, John Vachon.

Store building. Greenhills, Ohio Jan. 1938 by photographer John VachonStore building. Greenhills, Ohio Jan. 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Stores at Greenhills, Ohio Jan. 1938 by photographer John VachonStores at Greenhills, Ohio Jan. 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Shopping center at Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John VachonShopping center at Greenhills, Ohio October 1938, by photographer John Vachon

Cooperative Store was built in 1938

The historic town also housed a cooperative store in 1938. Built on what was previously, farmland, a cooperative store was built as an essential part of the project for the residents shopping needs.

Shopping in cooperative market, Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John VachonShopping in cooperative market, Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Bus which ran between Cincinnati and Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Bus which ran between Cincinnati and Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Community Building at Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John VachonCommunity Building at Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Shopping in cooperative market, Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Shopping in cooperative market, Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John Vachon2

Shopping in cooperative market, Greenhills, Ohio October 1938 by photographer John VachonCooperative store at Greenhills, Ohio, October 1938 by photographer John Vachon

Fire Station at Greenhills, Ohio, October 1938 by photographer John VachonFire Station at Greenhills, Ohio, October 1938 by photographer John Vachon

More photographs of this unique and historic housing project of 1935

Vinegar of the Four Thieves was a recipe that was known for its antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal properties for years. It was even used to cure the Bubonic Plague. See Thomas Jefferson’s recipe in the book: VINEGAR OF THE FOUR THIEVES: Recipes & curious tips from the past