THE ALABAMA LANDING by Jon R McKinnie Hernando DeSoto’s expedition In 1541-1542, Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto’s expedition included the first white men to explore this particular area of north Louisiana. They had traveled throughout mid-America from the Mobile, AL starting point and, in time, to south Arkansas and north Louisiana. Expedition journals record they spent […]
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Have you ever had a Christmas surprise like this?
CHRISTMAS SURPRISE by Clifford Dobyns Written: November 2009 I was five years old in 1937 and unknown to me was that my parents had decided to get me a tricycle for Christmas and had ordered one from Sears, Roebuck and Co. Several years would pass before my mother told me what really happened on that […]
Christmas on Iwo Jima – years later – Inspiring story…
Christmas on Iwo Jima by Ben White It was early on Saturday AM and a group of people, a Coast Guard Captain and his wife and two children, an Air Force Chaplain and his wife and I and my wife were “Standing by” for a space available flight on an Air Force flight to Iwo […]
DYK: Let’s start from scratch
Many old sayings are also horse racing term. The phrase ‘START FROM SCRATCH” comes from the days when a line was scratched in the ground for a race. The racers would start from the scratch. WHERE DO I START? Hints and Tips for Beginning Genealogists with On-line resources
DYK: Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?
In olden times, people were very superstitious. They believed that all good in a man was on his right side and all bad was on his left. If you got out of bed on the left side, evil forces would follow you all day long. Most innkeepers had the left sides of the bed against […]
The Marvelous Water Filter – what ingenuity!
THE MARVELOUS WATER FILTER For several years our dug well had not provided enough water for our family needs. It had an electric pump and a pressure tank. Two baths and the well was dry. A drilling company was called in and bored a two hundred foot well. The drilled well provided plenty of water, […]
DYK: She was spinning a good yarn
Many old sayings come from nautical terms as is the case with ‘Spinning a a yarn’. Rope was made in ports everywhere. The rope makers chatted while they worked. They told each other stories while they were spinning a yarn. WHERE DO I START? Hints and Tips for Beginning Genealogists with On-line resources
Cutting a log at a saw mill this way seems awful dangerous
SHARPENING SAW MILL BLADES by Jesse Suttles A note about “Saw Mills” My Granddad on my Mother’s side of the family ran a saw mill. In North East Texas. His son told me some stories about the every day life at the mill. He said that his Dad was the only one that filed (sharpened) […]
DYK: A tavern wench needed to mind her “P’s & Q’s”
Did you know that….. In olden days, a tavern wench was often told to “Mind her P’s and Q’s” because…. she served ale in pints and quarts. She kept track of her orders on a slate with P in one corner and Q in the opposite corner so she wouldn’t overcharge or undercharge patrons. […]
DYK: Where you sit at dinner may be important
Did you know that…. In the seventeenth century, a person’s social standing determined what he or she ate at dinners. The best and most expensive food was placed next to the most important people. Also, people didn’t tend to sample everything that was on the table, they just ate what was closest to them. […]