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Did You Know?

DYK: He was a ‘son of a gun’?

Son of a gun seems to be a very strange phrase. A prevailing theory is that it comes from the 1800s, when British sailors took women along on extended voyages. When babies were born at sea, the mothers delivered them in a partitioned section of the gundeck. Because no one could be sure who the true fathers […]


Taste from the past – Bernaise Sauce from 1900 recipe

(Transcribed from The Centreville Press April 5, 1900, Centreville, Alabama) BERNAISE SAUCE Stir in a saucepan over the fire until jellylike the yolks of two eggs, two tablespoonfuls each of stock and oil; take from the fire; add slowly half a tablespoonful of tarragon vinegar, one chopped olive and half a tablespoonful each of finely […]

Did You Know?

DYK: Don’t let anyone rack your brain like this!

To ‘rack one’s brains’ is to strain mentally to recall or to understand something. The term is used whenever something or someone was under particular stress. The rack was a medieval torture device. The crude but, one presumes, effective racks often tore the victim’s limbs from their bodies. It isn’t surprising that ‘rack’ was adopted as a […]