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You don’t know anything about how many people are living in trailers, till you ‘hit’ Florida”

Many people traveled to California from all over the country in the 1930’s seeking work due to the Great Depression and Dust Bowl.  They traveled in many vehicles, by trains, trucks, cars and many were homemade trailers. Some even walked. Dorothea Lange, photograher captured many of these various modes of transportation. The song, A Traveler’s […]


Troubles continue for Hightstown, New Jersey homesteaders

Troubles continue for Hightstown, New Jersey homesteaders (continued from Troubles Loom Ahead for Hightstown, New Jersey Homesteaders) Hightstown, New Jersey again ran into trouble in November of 1935 when “the factory plan was temporarily dropped by the Resettlement Administration, and Blitzer was dismissed. It was rumored that the project would be discontinued or that it […]


Migrant children in Michigan in 1942 – remarkable photographs tell the story of their life

We often think of California having migrant workers, however, they traveled throughout the United States.  In July of 1940, photo/journalist John Vachon took these remarkable photographs of migrant children in Berrien County, Michigan. Migrant child, Berrien County, Michigan July 1940 Migrant children, Berrien County, Michigan July 1940  Migrant child from Arkansas, Berrien County, Michigan 1940 […]