*Note: Some of the language below may be a little antiquated because its excerpts and transcriptions from a the book -Transcription from Historic Houses of New Jersey By Weymer Jay Mills .J. B. Lippincott Company – written in 1902 = The original words provide a unique glimpse of the people and early times in New […]
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You would probably get in trouble doing this today!
This story is a continuation of “Moving in Two Covered Wagons” Dad’s family had to move on to Dallas Texas. When they got to Rockwall, the farm that Grandad had rented, the people were still living on it. So the family had to move on to Dallas, Texas. They lived on “Elm” Street. While living there […]
Fruit Cake Anyone? Have you ever re-gifted one?
FRUIT CAKE, ANYONE? BY INEZ MCCOLLUM The fruit cake is the proverbial joke this time of the year. There are stories about re-gifting them into the following year. Me? I happen to be quite fond of them. I purchase the bar type and keep it in the refrigerator. It doesn’t go anywhere since I am […]
Carnivorous Plants – I’m glad there aren’t more of them [photographs]
CARNIVOROUS PLANTS by Inez McCollum It is interesting to see the word “carnivorous” associated with plants. My desk dictionary even passes up on that, recognizing it with animal life. My first experience with the venus flytrap was at a small plant shop in Homewood. My youngest son was with me as I shopped for some […]
These pictures will make you do a double-take!
These photographs would make you do a double take, especially the second one. Ralph Madsen, the tallest Texan cowboy, in the photograph above was 7 feet 6 inches tall and weighted 228 pounds. He was born Ralph Earl Madsen on April 19, 1897 in Norfolk, Nebraska and was not from Texas as his nickname suggested. […]
Did you know that a German threatened to shoot Marconi for invented the radio?
(People feared radio waves when it was first invented. They complained of headaches and damaged nerves from the waves passing through them. Inventor Marconi even received death threats from people who claimed nerve damage. This controversy continues today with the advent of cell phones and electricity. ) Guglielmo Marconi The Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi who […]
Hinchingham, Maryland was surveyed in 1659 – one of earliest settled areas in Kent County, Maryland
The Hynson family first came from England with three servants and lived on Kent Island, Maryland. Hinchingham was granted in 1659 to Thomas Hynson for 2,200 acres, lying along the shore of the Chesapeake Bay and extending north from Swan Creek. Hinchingham farmhouse Thomas Hynson was then in the 39th year of his age and […]
What if you had to pack everything in your house and move across country in a covered wagon like this?
We have trucks, moving vans and paved roads today which makes moving from one state to another much easier. Imagine having to pack up an move all your belongings in covered wagons and on trails rather than paved roads. The task seems daunting, but this occurred, even as late as the early 1900s as revealed […]
Sometimes we forget to teach our children the little things
DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE Sometimes we forget to teach our children the little things by Jean Butterworth Recently I observed a young Boy Scout Troup performing a service project which involved putting up signs on a nature trail in Bluff Park, Alabama. It was quite a busy group of boys and dads on this […]
John Custis got the last word on his tombstone -here is how
You may recall from history that President George Washington married Martha Custis, a widow with children. However, you may not know the story about the Custis family and this unusual tombstone at Arlington in Northampton County, Virginia. The John Custis (born 1678) on this tombstone had only one son, Daniel Parke Custis who married Martha […]