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[vintage pictures] Can you imagine sending your eight-year old child to a cannery factory like this instead of school each morning?

These photographs below of young workers from the 1915s include names of children from New York, Mississippi and Maine who worked in the cannery industry. Canning was once an industry that hired young workers in America as seen by the following photographs. Instead of attending school, children were often forced to work by their parents […]


It might have been called the Boys’ War instead of the Civil War – here are the interesting facts

Authorities differ, and statistics bristle in the controversy, but this is the offering of the Photographic History of the Civil War: More than 2,000,000 Federal soldiers were twenty-one or under (of a total of some 2,700,000)- More than 1,000,000 were eighteen or under. About 800,000 were seventeen or under. About 200,000 were sixteen or under. About 100,000 […]