*Note: Some of the language below may be a little antiquated because its excerpts and transcriptions from a the book -Transcription from Historic Houses of New Jersey By Weymer Jay Mills .J. B. Lippincott Company – written in 1902 = The original words provide a unique glimpse of the people and early times in New […]
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[Old pics of farm life in 1916 Kentucky where Abraham Lincoln’s parents lived.
Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron Unlock all Alabama Pioneers stories Alabama Pioneers members see thousands of stories, biographies, and nostalgic items These historic pictures below provides a wonderful sense of what life was like for settlers in 1869 Kentucky and the old photographs depict how much life changed by 1916. The people had a strong […]
Time is running out -[films & pics] will future generations know the joys of pine forests?
I have fond memories of riding my bike as a child to my favorite spot, a Longleaf pine thicket near my house. There I would often spend hours reading, thinking or just daydreaming as I was at one with nature. The long pine needles made a soft cushion where I could rest comfortably. Today, we […]
AUTHOR SUNDAY – Russians in the house -Try to explain that experience to someone
Russians In The House! by Inez McCollum I am a member of a group, Friendship Force International, that hosts young professionals from Russia each Fall. The young adults are sponsored by the Library of Congress and visit our area to study the various city offices, civic organizations and human aid groups. I usually host two […]
AUTHOR SUNDAY: Inspiring story – problems are always as big as they first appear
Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron Unlock all Alabama Pioneers stories Alabama Pioneers members see thousands of stories, biographies, and nostalgic items FACING MY GIANTS by Inez McCollum The Bible and folk tales give examples of people who faced their giants. When David faced Goliath, he was definitely successful. When Jack faced the giant in “Jack […]
‘Without a clue” once meant something different than it does today
Today without a clue means to have no knowledge of something, but it once had a different meaning.A clue (also spelled clew) was a globular ball formed from coiling worms or the like or, more specifically, a ball of thread. In Greek myth – the tale of Theseus and the Minotaur. Theseus entered the labyrinth […]
Do you take your square with you when you travel?
Discover, Share, and help us Preserve our lost and forgotten stories. Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron Unlock all Alabama Pioneers stories Alabama Pioneers members see thousands of stories, biographies and nostalgic items like this everyday. In colonial days your dinner plate was a square piece of wood with a “bowl” carved out to hold your […]
AUTHOR SUNDAY: This is funny but so very true – why do we feel we must keep so much?
Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron – FREE for 7 days Over 5100 stories, anecdotes, news clippings, etc from the GOOD OLE DAYS are available. Check the Patreon APP – Alabama Pioneers Patrons community each morning for the latest stories. MOVIN STUFF By Joyce Ray Wheeler It is a truism that moving from one place to […]
Views of Vermont – [vintage photographs] of 1890s
Gaysville is a village in the town of Stockbridge in Windsor County, of the “Eastern Vermont Gateway” region. The name came from the families of Daniel and Jeremiah Gay, who settled in Stockbridge quite early. “In 1786, Elais Keyes established a grist mill and later a sawmill at “The Narrows”, later known as Gaysville, so […]
AUTHOR SUNDAY – Can you imagine a time when okra was not a food to eat?
JOIN US Tap here to see how to Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron Tap to see how to join the Alabama Pioneers Patrons community and read over 5000 stories, nostalgia, and news clippings like this for FREE! Become an Alabama Pioneers Patron and Unlock the stories Unhappy Gardener by Joyce Ray Wheeler Most every family […]