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Figs, Birds and Mosquitoes

Figs, Birds and Mosquitoes by Jean Butterworth The old-fashioned fruit bearing fig tree is so old it is mentioned in the Bible…. Remember the fig tree that bore no fruit, or that Eve covered herself with fig leaves to hid her nakedness? There are several types of figs grown in the U.S. namely: Sierra Figs […]

Did You Know?

DYK: Sentimental? I don’t think so.

Samantha decided to go carol singing on Christmas Eve. She knocked on the door of a house and began to sing. A man, holding a clarinet, opened the door to the house. In a few seconds tears were streaming down his face. Samantha continued singing for at least a further 20 minutes. She sang every […]


Taste from the past – Fruit Biscuits from 1900 recipe

Fruit Biscuits from 1900 recipe (Transcribed from The Centreville Press April 5, 1900, Centreville, Alabama) FRUIT BISCUITS Take five cold baking powder or soda biscuits, cut each into three slices and butter each slice. Place bottom slice of each biscuit in a separate dish, pour over it any juicy small fruit, boiling hot and sweetened. […]

Did You Know?

DYK: Will you take a rain check?

“Take a rain check’ is something that you say when you cannot accept someone’s invitation to do something but you would like to do it another time. It comes from the custom started in 19th century America for vouchers to be issued to paying baseball spectators in the event of rain, which they would use […]