MAY DAY by Inez McCollum May is such a happy, beautiful time of the year. Across the South, there are bright colors to be found in those shrubs and trees that have been dormant all winter. It is a wonderful time of year to be outdoors and enjoy God’s Creation. Those birds I feed all […]
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Amazing film from 1956 of a the Abraham Lincoln Assassination eyewitness.
Amazing film from 1956 of an eyewitness of the Abraham Lincoln Assassination. The panelists on this show were, left to right (in order of appearance): Bill Cullen, Jayne Meadows, Henry Morgan, and Lucille Ball. The host was Garry Moore. Samuel Seymour was only five years old when he saw President Lincoln assassinated. A Milwaukee Sentinel […]
DYK: (Did you know) The real meaning of ear-marked
Did you know that…. In olden days, proof of ownership of large animals that roamed freely in the woods was difficult made. The farmers slit or notched their animals ears to identify them. Thus the meaning of the term “Earmarked” WHERE DO I START? Hints and Tips for Beginning Genealogists with On-line resources
Mad as a hatter is not from Alice in Wonderland like I thought
Mad as a hatter is not from Alice in Wonderland like I once thought. Mad as a Hatter comes from the fact that in the 18th and 19th centuries hat makers treated hats with mercury which became a hazardous occupation. This was known to have affected the nervous systems of hatters, causing them to tremble […]
Face the music – take your pick on the source of this phrase
Face the music means to accept the unpleasant consequences of one’s actions. The source of the phrase is not clear. Some believe that ‘face the music’ originated from the tradition of disgraced officers being ‘drummed out’ of their regiment. A second popular theory is that it was actors who ‘faced the music’, that is, faced […]
Amelia Earhart was born on July 24, 1897 and disappeared July 2, 1937
Amelia Mary Earhart was an American aviation pioneer and author. Earhart disappeared in 1937 on an attempted round-the-world flight. People have been searching for her remains and her plane ever since A recent news report announced that a piece of riveted aluminum found in 1991 may likely be from her plane. Sophisticated imagery, not available […]
White, pink or red dogwood trees – Which do you prefer?
GOTCHA! BY INEZ MCCOLLUM It’s time for those beautiful dogwoods to bloom! The buds are popping, ready to open. As I look at them, I have special memories of two dogwood trees that bloom in my yard. Actually before those two, a volunteer dogwood tree came up at the back of our home and grew […]
Are you planning what to do on spring break, yet? Here’s a typical one from the 1950s – Oh the memories!
1950s Spring Break Vacation by Jean Butterworth In the fifties my Dad purchased a brand new 1950 streamline Chevrolet automobile. Our family planned a Spring Break vacation from Tuscaloosa, around the upper half of Florida, and down the east coast to Miami and back home on the western side of Florida. We invited two friends […]
DYK: What does Good as Gold really mean?
Today the phrase, Good as Gold, usually refers to a person or child being well-behaved and obedient. The phrase comes from the time when banknotes were first introduced they weren’t considered to be money in the sense we now think of them, but were promissory notes or IOUs. Gold or silver was real money as it had intrinsic […]
A Valentine story – Endless Love – this will bring tears to your eyes
An Endless Love by Christie Seiler Boeke Bob, thinking back on our life together, it is impossible for me to remember a time when you were not a part of me. Bob and Christie 1949 I know I am who I am because of you. Your steady and sustaining love and companionship during all the […]