Taste from the past Pancake recipe from 1879 newspaper Take three eggs and stir them into a pint of milk; add a good pinch of salt and enough prepared flour to make it into a thick, smooth batter. Fry in boiling fat till nearly done; roll over on the other side; drain, and serve very […]
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How do you record your life?
SNIPPETS By Joyce Ray Wheeler (b. January 4, 1926- d. November 1 2012) About four years ago I purchased a small journal with a pretty cover in which I began to record my memories. I called my memories “Snippets of Light from My Memory Lane.” The following lines are a direct quote from a favorite […]
DYK: Put up your dukes and fight like a man!
Put up your Dukes – means to put up your fists and prepare to fight. There are various thoughts as to how ‘dukes’ came to mean ‘fists’. The most commonly repeated suggestion is that it derives from the Cockney rhyming slang – Duke of Yorks = forks = fingers/hands. Another suggestion is that on the early […]
DYK: He was shriveled up and long in the tooth.
Long in the Tooth – means old, especially of horses – Horses’s teeth, unlike humans’, continue to grow with age. They also wear down with use, but the changes in the characteristics of the teeth over time make it possible to make a rough estimate of a horse’s age by examining them.The term was later coined […]
Taste from the past – Custard pies from 1890s
LIKE GRANDMA USE TO MAKE Old Homemade Recipes CUSTARD PIE (1890s) Heat together until very light the yolks of four eggs and four tablespoonfuls of sugar, flavor with nutmeg or vanilla; then add the four beaten whites, a pinch of salt and, lastly, a quart of sweet milk; mix well and pour into tins lined […]
I can smell the fresh scent of clothes hung out to dry outside – Can you?
Photographs bring back memories These photographs will bring back memories of the smell of fresh washed clothes hung out to dry on the line, the milkman delivering milk to your house, and pushing babies in strollers down the sidewalk on a beautiful fall day. Ah….the good old days! Greenhills is a village in Hamilton County, Ohio, United […]
The End of the day for cotton laborers meant waiting to be paid [see pictures from 1938 Arkansas]
After a grueling day picking cotton, at the New Deal, Lake Dick Project in Arkansas, day laborers were rewarded with their pay each evening for their work. The counting and recording took time so the laborers had to wait time to receive payment. Many rested, while others stood and watched the monetary transactions as these photographs taken by Russell […]
DYK: Has anyone ever told you to ‘mind your own beeswax?
Mind your own beeswax – today it means “mind your own business” or “it’s none of your business. There are many ideas circulating about the source of the idiom. The most prevalent is: This idiom came from the days when smallpox was a regular disfigurement. Fine ladies would fill in the pocks with beeswax. However when the weather was very […]
United States government required residents to have steady jobs – income checked to become a resident
The United States government required residents to have a steady job The United States government required residents to have a steady job, making between $1,000 and $2,500 a year – that would be $16,000 to $40,000 today to become a resident of the Resettlement community of Greenhills, Ohio in 1938. This stipulation kept many of […]
Taste from the past – Apple Chutney – 1946 version
This recipe comes from a canning recipe book from 1946 so it makes a large amount. APPLE CHUTNEY 36 medium-sized sour apples 18 medium-sized green tomatoes 6 sweet red peppers 6 small onions (white) 6 cupfuls sugar 3 pints cider vinegar 3 tablespoonfuls salt 3 teaspoonfuls cinnamon 3 scant teaspoonfuls allspice 1 teaspoonful ginger 3 […]