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Did You Know?

DYK: “You ain’t no Spring Chicken!”

You’re no Spring chicken – Before incubators, chickens couldn’t be raised during winter. New England growers found that those born in the spring brought premium prices in the summer market places. When these Yankee traders tried to pass off old birds as part of the spring crop, smart buyers would protest that the bird was “no […]


Taste from the past – Creamed Oysters 1897 version

Creamed Oysters Recipe from 1897 Drain 50 oysters: wash by pouring gradually over them a pitcher of cold water; put them in a saucepan stir carefully until they reach the boiling point; drain again, this time saving the liquor. Measure, and add to the liquor thus obtained sufficient milk to make one pint. Put two […]


Taste from the past – Gingerbread recipe from 1875

Light-Colored Gingerbread from 1875 recipe Fresh butter, melted, ½ lb., flour, dried and sifted, 1 ¼ lb., brown sugar, 1 ¼ lb., bruised sugar, ¼ lb., 9 eggs, the yolks and whites beaten separately, rosewater, two tablespoonfuls, white wine, two tablespoonfuls Mix all these well together. Bake one hour. Then with a spoon spread it […]


[Great pictures] At the Lake Dick Project in Arkansas in 1938, there was always work that must be done – great pictures of people from 1938

Little remains of the Lake Dick Project from Roosevelt’s New Deal. All that is left are a few houses. The area is currently on the National Register of Historic Places. When it was active, there was considerable work for everyone as seen by the photographs taken in 1938 by Russell Lee and Dorothea Lange. Dairy […]

Did You Know?

DYK: The real meaning of spic and span?

The saying ‘spick and span’ once meant new, but means extra clean today. A span was a wood shaving. If something was newly built it would have tell-tale wood chips so it was ‘span new’, Spick is an old word for a nail. New spicks or nails would be shiny. However words and phrases often […]