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DYK: This is how to “Save Face”

In olden days, women used beeswax on their faces to give them the “white look.” They mixed the beeswax with a lead compound. In order to keep their faces from melting in the hot sun, they carried a gauze mask to put over their makeup to “Save Face” In front of the fire place, they […]


Can you believe charm bracelets are back?

Charm bracelets then and now by Jean Butterworth The other day I saw an article that said that charm bracelets were coming back in style. Where are mine I thought? Maybe in some drawer gathering tarnish I supposed. That brought back memories of charm bracelets. But they make so much noise when wearing them! The […]


The true meaning of the pecking order

The Pecking Order by I Inez McCollum My introduction to birds was finding a picture of the Brown Thrasher in an old magazine at my grandmother’s home when I was a young child. Years later after my children were in school, I had time to keep up with the large number of birds at my […]


Loans help destitute farmers in Batesville, Arkansas – [great film & 1934 photos]

After the Great Depression in America, many farm families were destitute. In April 1934, a special Rural Rehabilitation Division was established within the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, for the purpose of assisting these farm families throughout the country “to become self-supporting and independent of emergency relief aid. Loans were granted and by 1935, there were […]