In olden days, women used beeswax on their faces to give them the “white look.” They mixed the beeswax with a lead compound. In order to keep their faces from melting in the hot sun, they carried a gauze mask to put over their makeup to “Save Face” In front of the fire place, they […]
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Trace that call 1950’s style – it took a little longer because….
Trace That Call by Clifford Dobbins In the 1950’s and 60’s I was employed by General Telephone of Kentucky. In the early 1960’s I was the business office supervisor in Ashland, Kentucky, which serviced eight surrounding cities. All transactions for the area went through this office. Also at this time I was the President of […]
Can you believe charm bracelets are back?
Charm bracelets then and now by Jean Butterworth The other day I saw an article that said that charm bracelets were coming back in style. Where are mine I thought? Maybe in some drawer gathering tarnish I supposed. That brought back memories of charm bracelets. But they make so much noise when wearing them! The […]
The simple life in the good old days [story & pictures]
I enjoyed every day of it. I miss living like that by Jesse Suttles This took place when I was about 16 years old. I am 76 now. When I was a young teenager. My little brother Doyle, my self and two or three friends would go fishing on Sulfur River in North East Texas. […]
Sometimes no matter how you plan, your life may change in unexpected ways
The Best Laid Schemes I had my life all planned. I had just finished high school and was enrolled at Mississippi College, majoring in Mathematics and was going to be a high school math teacher. The College was on a term system at that time in order to accommodate GI’s returning from the war. It […]
Sock tales – framed socks, recycled socks and candles of dirty socks
Speaking of Socks by Inez McCollum A cousin recently told me a story about my Grandfather which I had never heard. My Father’s family consisted of eight boys and one girl. With that many children in the family, I am sure there were lots of practical jokes. My Grandfather was preparing for a foot washing […]
Can you imagine there was a time in football when helmets were not worn? [vintage film]
Today, it is hard to believe that there was a time when football helmets were not required equipment in games. The man in the rare film went to extreme lengths to show the safety of his helmet design. In 1888, college football rules changed to allow tackling below the waist so players and coaches decided pads […]
The true meaning of the pecking order
The Pecking Order by I Inez McCollum My introduction to birds was finding a picture of the Brown Thrasher in an old magazine at my grandmother’s home when I was a young child. Years later after my children were in school, I had time to keep up with the large number of birds at my […]
Only Six Years After the Civil War, America Almost Went To War With England [story & pics]
Did you realize that in the year 1871, only six years after the Civil War, England and American almost went to war again? “The year was marked by the conclusion of an important treaty between England and the United States. Besides settling certain questions which threatened the friendly relations of the two countries, the treaty […]
Loans help destitute farmers in Batesville, Arkansas – [great film & 1934 photos]
After the Great Depression in America, many farm families were destitute. In April 1934, a special Rural Rehabilitation Division was established within the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, for the purpose of assisting these farm families throughout the country “to become self-supporting and independent of emergency relief aid. Loans were granted and by 1935, there were […]