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Taste of the past – Old Time Fudge

This makes enough to share with others. Taste of the Past Old Time Fudge – Five Pounds 5 cups sugar 2 sticks margarine 2 small pks. Choc. Chips 2 cups pecans 1 large can evaporated milk 1 jar Hipolite (Marshmallow crème) 1 tsp. Vanilla Mix sugar & creams together. Cook until hot, add margarine. Let […]


Taste from the past – Gingerbread recipe from 1908

(Excerpt transcribed from Crenshaw County News, Luverne, Alabama January 16, 1908) GINGERBREAD One-half cup butter, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup molasses, one-half cup sour milk or cold water, one and one-half cups flour, two eggs, not beaten; One tablespoon ginger, one teaspoon soda. Bake The secret of having it light and tender is in beating […]


A NEW DEAL PROJECT IN ARKANSAS -[pictures & story] Lake Dick, Arkansas represents the most socialistically oriented of the many cooperative farms

Lake Dick, Arkansas represents a unique experience in American agricultural history because it is one of a small number of communal farms established and operated by the United States Government as part of President Roosevelt’s New Deal. Lake Dick represents the most socialistically oriented of the many cooperative farms established in the 1930’s. “The organization […]

Did You Know?

DYK: Swashbucklers, Do you know one?

DYK: Did you know? Swashbuckler is a term that emerged in the 16th century and was used as a term for pirates and swordsmen. A buckle was a kind of small shield. When men wanted to impress people they would stride around town with a sword and buckler on their belts. The buckler would ‘swash’ […]


Taste of the past – Codfish Ball from 1908

(Excerpt transcribed from Crenshaw County News, Luverne, Alabama January 16, 1908) CODFISH BALL Boil one cup of codfish with four good-sized potatoes. When done mash potatoes and fish together, Add good-sized piece of butter and little pepper and one egg, beaten. Roll in a little flour to form balls and place in frypan. Fry brown […]